
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Fandom School (5th period): How To Survive Hiatus

So, you've joined a fandom. Things are going great, and then- WHAM! Your show goes on hiatus. Or the series ends. Or for whatever other reason, there will be no more new content for a while. What do you do?

1. Rewatch old episodes - this way, you can make sure you get the most out of the show while you are waiting. You might see stuff you've missed before, and there are many episodes/books that just never get old.

2. Commiserate with others in the fandom - you're probably not the only one upset about hiatus. Talk with other people about how frustrating it is.

3. Create your own fan works - this is a great thing to do, especially when you're waiting for a new series to come out. Write fanfiction, make your own trailer for the new season, make other fan videos, make song parodies, make fan art... the possibilities are endless.

4. Join another fandom - there are so many awesome fandoms out there! While you're waiting for Season 4 of Sherlock, maybe you could start reading (and watching) Harry Potter, for example.

5. Go insane - while not recommended, this does happen to a lot of fans on hiatus.

So, I hope that helps. Good luck surviving hiatus, and come back next week for the next Fandom School post (or come back tomorrow to see an awesome post that's not about Fandom School). Bye!

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