
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thank You!

Happy Thanksgiving! In honor of the holiday, I'm making a post about all the people and things I have to thank for this blog.

Family - thanks to my family who started me on this and has continued to support me. After I'd written several fanfics, my mom suggested that I start this blog. My sister came up with the name for the blog. My dad is the one who gets the internet set up, without which I would be unable to write my blog. And as for my brother, he hasn't really helped. Sorry. 

Real-life friends - thanks to my friends who discuss my fandoms with me and support me. 

Internet friends and blog readers - thanks to all of you who read my blog, liking, sharing, and commenting my posts. Some of you have even inspired blog posts! 

The Star Cult - thanks to the awesome Doctor Who community that has led to brilliant discussions, given me great internet friends, and provided ideas for fanfics by hosting fanfiction challenges. 

Pond's Philosophy Guild - thanks to this community that has taught me to think deeply and sparked some blog post ideas. 

Authors/screenwriters/etc. - thanks to the creative minds behind my favorite books, movies, and TV shows. Without them, I would have nothing to get excited about. 

Actors and actresses - thanks to the amazing people who act out the wonderful TV shows and movies that I discuss here. Often, it is the actor's (or actress's) performance that really makes a show great. 

Directors/producers/editors/etc. - thanks to the people who bring something from a simple idea to a finished work. 

My English teachers - thanks to the people who have helped me to improve my writing skills. 

Books - thanks to the reading materials that increased my literacy and imagination and brought me into the magical world of fandoms. 

Computers/TV/the internet - thanks to the devices that let me watch my favorite shows/movies and discuss them with others in the fandom. 

Google - thanks to the company that created Google+, where I started getting really into fandoms, and Google Blogs, which is how I created this blog. 

That's about all I can think of in terms of thanks. Thank you all again, and have a great Thanksgiving!

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