
Thursday, November 20, 2014

You Are Not Alone: The Search For The Other Time Lords (Doctor Who fanfiction) - Chapter 1

"No!" The Doctor slammed the console in frustration. Missy had lied. Of course she had. And now she was gone. And so was Gallifrey. He had nothing. He was alone. He hit the console again, then slid down to the floor, crying.

"Looking for something?" The Doctor turned around to face a familiar blond girl who he hadn't seen in a long time. "Hello, Dad." The Doctor stared at her in shock, his eyebrows going higher than they had ever gone before. "Regeneration kicked in a little late. Sorry about that. I've had a hell of a time finding you."
"How did you? Find me, I mean."
"I stole a spaceship and traveled the universe for a while, but then I realized I'd need to travel in time, too. So, I convinced a handsome time agent - Jack, I think his name was - to give me his vortex manipulator."
"So what, you traveled around to random locations, hoping to find me?"
"Initially. I kept missing you, though. I saw you traveling by yourself, so lonely. And I tried to get to you, I did. But every time, you would go into your TARDIS before I got a chance to talk to you. And then later, I saw your TARDIS crash-land. But you didn't see me. You went off in a different direction. I was afraid to follow you. You'd regenerated, and I wasn't sure how you would take it. I heard you saying you'd just pop off for a few minutes, but then you didn't come back. I did talk the little girl, though. Amelia Pond. She was lovely. But I couldn't stay. I met her again in Manhattan with a man named Rory. She told me the story. I'm sorry about all that; I wish I could have helped. I've saved you from the Weeping Angels a few times, staring at them when you forgot to look. I've fought off Daleks that you never even saw! I am rather handy with a gun, after all." The Doctor flinched. Jenny continued. "I saw your grave. At Trenzalore. I feared the worst. But you survived. I whispered into that crack with Clara Oswald. I told the Gallifreyans I was one of them, and that they needed him. I kept seeing you. But every time, I just couldn't quite get to you. I knew I needed a new plan of action."
"So what did you do then?"

"I traveled far into the future and went to Luna University. Met a woman there, her name was River Song. She talked of a man called the Doctor, and I got hopeful. I didn't get a chance to meet you, though. That being said, she was kind enough to give me a DNA sample. Well, two actually: one from her, and one from you. By combining these, I managed to make accurate enough artificial Time Lord DNA. The three samples helped me ensure I covered people who were only part Time Lord, as well, so all relevant DNA types were represented. Then it was just a matter of making a machine to find it. This," she held up a small wristwatch, "helps me to locate anyone with Time Lord DNA. I fused it with the vortex manipulator technology, so it can also take me to them."
"And that's how you found me."
"But that's... that's brilliant! You must have inherited my intelligence, too!" The Doctor ran up and hugged his brilliant daughter. Jenny chuckled. 
"Don't let it get to your head. But, there's another thing."
"You know how I said it locates people with Time Lord DNA?"
"You're not the only one."

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